There is nobody like you Lord, like arugbo ojo - that's what I have got playing over and over again on my laptop media as I type
Yes ke there is no one like him, how else can I thank him for all he has done and he is doing.
I kira fun baba God a million times with a million tongues, not enough
You have heard it before and it's true in my case as well. I wrote a post many times but alas it was in my head that the post was written.
I wrote the post about the Sunday Sunday dude who did not tell me that the friend he constantly mentioned and reported to at so called ungodly hours was the actually the girl he told me about, the post was one longyness of a post. I wrote it honestly but it was in my head that I wrote it. How he commended my cooking and how I took courage to ask a burning question that I sensed and he fell yakata for ground.
I wrote about the dude that thinks God is everywhere even when you take someone's name to join your own by force by fire (schwepps I thought that was a girl thing). I wrote what courage it took to walk away, what relief it felt listening to elderly and Godly advice.
And then I actually started to write an entry of myself and paddy mi in a private blog but only managed a few entries. I was going to write about the strange questions folks ask me about paddy "Has he been married before?", "Does he have a child?" "Is he illegal?" and how I could almost sense disappointment when I say "none of the above and yes we are age mates". I did not understand until much must have really looked bleak for thirty+ especially when good men are scarce.
A man once told me about Elijah and the remnant prophets who did not bow to Baal, I believed him then theoretically and as a believer but now I believe him even more because I am a witness to it.
I am endlessly thankful and totally gobsmacked about God's faithfulness.
Between taking pictures at weddings, working 9-5, shuttling between two abodes, chasing defaulters and planning a wedding it has been one wonderful ride this year.
So in conclusion, here is to the wonderful friends I have made on blogville, to the few frogs that came my way, to my paddy who sealed our friendship with a ring (still pinching myself and love you gan ni o)
I'm off blogville.
Till we meet again on facebook, another blog, at a function, on a flight, somewhere, anywhere, this is soon to be Mrs Oluwathirty+ saying keep keeping it real, keep loving God, keep representing him everywhere you go, there is nobody like our God.
Aurevoir, O digba, Goodbye :)

Hey babe, I'm so happy for you. Thank God for his grace. I wish you and your paddy all the happiness and joy of marriage. May blessings and favor follow you both all the days of your life. See you on FB.
OH MY GOSH. YOU'RE ENGAGED!!!! Wow. Awwwwwww...this was such a beautiful journey. And God always shows up at the "right time." It is good to wait on God, because He is an all-knowing God. Congrats 30, so excited for you :)
ps: Who will now take your own wedding pictures? Lol
"I was going to write about the strange questions folks ask me about paddy "Has he been married before?", "Does he have a child?" and how I could almost sense disappointment when I say "none of the above and yes we are age mates". I did not understand until much later, it must have really looked bleak for thirty+ especially when good men are scarce."
Says it all, right?
You've shown that one cannot look through the eyes of men in living a life God has ordained.
Congratulations, Missy.
All the best.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm smiling like a cheshire cat here! So happy for you:) Send me your website if you have one:wink:
yay... i hope we get the invites....... and it holds in ABZ.. :)
WOW! congrats...I am sooo happy for you!
Plese one last request befre you leave!
Please invite me to your wedding!
Pretty please(I promise to behave myself and be very quiet:D)
Congrats once again and may the good Lord bless your marriage...of a truth, He makes all things beautiful in its time!
Okay I meant please not plese!lol
That's a beautiful testimony to the fact that God never leaves His own. Be blessed dear, God will go before u into your new life and home/family. God bless you and your hubby. Amen!
waoh, thirry plus is leaving blogville? please dont go now, when i am just planning to come back
mang congrats on your wedding,God will make way for you, He will gaurd and guide you in your new home and above all grant you the wisdom to be a good mother and a loving wife.
nb.....if the wedding is in naija hope we will get an invite?
take care
congrats..God is faithful
I SAID IT! i knew sumn was going on, Congrats dearie' but why do u hv to leave????????????
Bye-bye.... all the best!
congratulations 30+, and all the best to you and ur paddy...God be with you and ur marriage...
Congratulations....i am so so happy for you....
I wish you the best :)
Awww congratulations! This is really great news. God is always faithful - He has proven that time and time again.
But why oh why are you leaving blogville?
OMG! congratulations. I read this at work and couldnt comment. even though im sad you're leaving blogville, I'm very happy for you!
Congratulations! May all the joys and blessings that come with marriage be yours. I have enjoyed reading your posts over the years. I shall miss you.
Best wishes
Congratulations dear! God never fails!
Love you babe...and u deserve the very best..
Miss reading ur posts too...
Oh wow congratulations!!! I would definitely miss your posts..:(
congratulations chica! wishing you all the best in this new phase!
congrats on this exciting phase you are about to enter.
all the best 30+
congratulations! this is a testament to the God we serve.
Congratulations 30+ sorry Mrs Oluwathirty! God is faithful and good! Sad that you are leaving blogsville but I hope I meet you someday! Cheers
I wish you didn't have to leave though, but God bless your union.
All the best.
Aww...goodluck in your new life and congrats me dear.
You will be missed.
congratulations luv, but do u have to leave?
Mrs. Oluwathirty+, isn't it time for the new blog so u can return to us?
good luck. check out my blog if you get a chance!
Matt Robertson
It is long journey ahead of you. I am pretty sure that whatever tribulation both you faces, you two will stand side by side to win it all.
Creed Perfume
Just be reading your blog, i can tell that you are still single, am i right? You haven't meet the one for you sissy. Let's just keep our fingers crossed.
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