He can do it again and even much more, than what you think. Why? Because he is the same yesterday, today and forever, for that alone, I must to Kira fun baba God who is the unchaning changer.
So just like that MJ beat it from planet earth well as a wise seer under inspiration wrote :
"Remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don’t wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well. For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it."
Let's leave that one aside for the main post
Lately in my head, I have been preaching a lot. As in proper preaching especially when I have just discovered something in the bible. I tell you now God's word is new everyday.
When I was much younger, I use to wonder what will happen after I finish reading the bible, well I thought you just read it through and get the gist but panicked about what will happen next. Until I discovered that his word is fresh and dynamic, a scripture verse can speak differently to one million people....How great!
Yesterday I had to used my hand to cover mouth because I realised I was actually speaking out loud to an invisible audience explaining what I just read in Phillipians 3. *Kilode now I cautioned myself **"ara ile lo ma mo ni amodi, were lara ita ma pe".
Ma peeps the thing baffled/baffles me and it's not the first or second time that this will happen to me.
No I don't believe I have the calling of a pulpit ministy, though a few folks do say that I have but no no no, abeg I prefer the sidelines.
Believe it or not, I now have yet another fb profile...aargh. It's a long story but was def not the plan. The profile was set up just to load pix but eh karamba no sooner than I loaded pix than the friend requests started coming . After about 6 requests came immediately some of who where already my friends, I thought why not and started adding more myself...crazy abi lol.
Love you plenty.
Also glad to see Obiwanne and Tolantino back to blogville.
**"to the one who knows better it can be called enthusiasm, to the outsider it will be called madness".