In all things I give God thanks and thanksgiving, at all times in everyway I give God thanks.
Hope you folks in the Temperate areas of UK and USA are gearing for 'proper summer' (that does not sound grammatically correct, does it?)
I agree that men do get depressed but not as much as women!
I love the Month of May, it heralds in the sunshine, end of winter blues, bikinis, diets, and the onset of parties upon parties especially weddings(at least in the UK). Don't think my peeps back in Nigeria have anything like the wedding or party season, it is lways ojo gbogbo bi odun (everyday is like celebration).
Another reason I love the month of May is because it's by Birthmonth "he he he ehe eh". As conceited as it sounds, I have this believe that May is the most special month of all followed by December and January - Lol.
Just think of it is the only one that has three letters, it is close to half year but not half year. Brides love to get married in May and most importantly, all May babies are the I hear whoop whoop.
The countdown to my birthday has begun, I think I'm even more excited than usual. When I told my friend she wondered why, afterall the clock is ticking. She is also a May baby, but while she is thankful and all, she can not get the gist of my excitement.
Even I dunno why, try as I may to have a one lady pity party, I could not, there is nothing as frustrating as not being able to be depressed when you want to be depressed. I know I sound silly but sometimes I go into fits of feeling sorry for myself and for my life, but these days it's getting more and more difficult.
Just the other day I heard some news and it dampened my spirit and as I was about to go into self pity mode all I could do was speak God's word out loud.
It worked
Even though that was not what I wanted, I wanted to work myself up so I can cry and kind of make God feel sorry for me. I am laughing hard here because writing it down, I sound like such a silly thing to be aiming for.
I believe I have matured to a level and most importantly, now I know the truth it has set me free.
I know enough of God's word to understand that he works in seasons and I am tatooed in his palms, so in the words of Tuface "what more can I say".
Will not necessary put a post on for my birthday, there will be too much grooving for me to remember I have a blog, lol.
As for presents, this is my request just say "thank you father for thirty plus". Honestly though that is really what I want from my heart of hearts, I think it is so cool for God to be hearing echoes of thanksgiving from different continents on my behalf.
Just so it does not look like I am being overly spiritual, I would like a HUGE birthday cake, not Gateau, not thoe funny ones from Marks and Spencer or Cosco. A proper traditional Nigerian cake with minimal icing, Lilac in colour.
For delivery details just inbox me on fb.
Till Later,