Counting 11 months of God's faithfulness, he is worthy to be praised. God is near to them that are near to him, at every corner if you incline your heart, God is near.
If you are saying or thinking that you can't seem to find this near God, my question to you is, have you checked his word?!
Imagine you have a neighbour you like so much, not that you are close close but the times you hang out to have coffee or what's not it's usually very good and tight. One day you turn up to their door with your mug of coffee and suddenly their house is under lock and key you knock and knock (comments upon comments) but no reply. No letter left for you no forwarding address just cold break and you have to go back to your house with your cold cup of coffee while wondering what happened.
Well that is how it feels sometimes when a blogger just ups and leave without any prior warning.
Phhew, that is off my chest.
I know I did not give gist about my short break, well because it was uneventful, it could have easily been me going to the other end of town. I mean I went by air and was there within an hour and mostly stayed indoors. Although there was an official dinner which I attended and it was fab.

That was the highlight of the short break, rest of the days was spend just lazying around, doing a bit of personal work/study and general catching up on gist with my hosts.
Ended up missing my return flight because of too much gist, so decided to come back by overnight coach, that was also uneventful till we got to UK border.
I was not a happy bunny when the driver woke everyone up to get down for immigration control. Especially as we had to step out into the cold before going inside the control office.
My turn came and lady at the counter looked at my passport, looked at me then, looked at the passport again then asks me my date of birth (bear in mind that I just woke up from my relatively comfy sleep)...I answered her by asking "What is the date of birth written on the passport?". A 'don't mess with me this early morning' scowl accompanied my answer just for emphasis' - lol.
Miss Adamant goes "Yes I know the date of birth on the passport, just need you to confirm". I mumbled my DOB and she said "thank you", and then smiled "you are so lucky, you look nothing like your age".
In my head I was thinking 'whatever' but smiled wryly while managing a muffled thanks. Later chided myself for being such a grump when all the lady was doing was her job.
Anyhoo back on coach, then 10mins later had to disembark yet again because we were now on the ferry and apparently we are mandated to go walk inside and get on the ferry deck. "Why can't these folks just let me sleep in peace, if I am on the coach which is on a ferry surely it is the same thing". The driver did not agree and insists we all have to vacate the coach. So off we go and I start wandering around avoiding temptation of buying anything on deck talk about being overpriced hmmph, even the need to spend the remaining euro on me was not strong enough.
45mins later we get to Dover and proceed back on the coach off the ferry and continue the journey by road. I must have slept for only 30mins or so when some Essex boys (see reason below) starts to demo craziness insisting the driver stop on the motorway for them to get off.
Driver tells these yobs that his destination is Victoria and he can't stop for obvious reasons. The boys fariga, insisting that they live close by (hence my conclusion that they were Essex boys, cos it was around that area and the accent as well) blah blah. In short when they insisted they were going to kick door open and jump out of the moving coach, while sitting behind the driver shouting like loonies, the driver complied and they got off.
Ope o I breathed a sigh of relief that, at least it was not a ploy to get the coach hijacked as I feared. Thing is while the drama was foing on all I was thinking of was one Abuja trip I went years ago and the coach nearly got hijacked by armed robbers.
From the on it was smooth sailing till we reached London, where I had a few days stop over before travelling down to my end again.
So that was how I spent my last holiday.
Thanks Aloted and SimeonBaba for loving my blog so much they passed the award below to moi.
I pass it on the first 9 bloggers to leave a comment on this post

Till later