I don't know what it is about praises but God does fearful and wonderfl things in praise it is no wonder I kira for him at the begining of each post, afterall there is no me without Him. Thank you father.
Still here even in the midst of my hustle and bustle of this world of ours I occassionaly remember I have a blog, maybe no more readers.
On this rare occassion that I am acutally sittting down on a saturday having just come back from a family portrait shooting and waiting to go and hook up with some fabulous ebis of mine I'm taking time out to drop a line and clear the cobwebs on my blog.
God has a sense of humour, just when I was praying to stop travelling I had to shift base yet again. But I am not going to even talk about that anymore else I start sounding like an annoying resounding cymbal. Afterall only the ones living get to shift base and do lots travelling. On that note may God grant the family of former President Yaradua succour and comfort in this their time of need.
Apart from that thirty + is doing fine, my photography is gaining leaps and bounds everyday, there is so much to learn and even much more to achieve. I have been covering eventsnon stop for the past six weeks, three weddings inclusive.
I have to make a confession, the last two weddings I covered were so emotional, I found myself crying, it was so beautiful and quite moving. On one occassion it was the misty eyes of the hubby as his bride walked down the aisle that got me and the song playing in the background "from this moment on by shania twain, I tell you even Efunsetan Aniwaura (Idi Amin or Hitler if you have no idea who Efunsetan is) would have shed a tear or two". I had to hold the camera tightly to my face to camouflague my tear stained face...
On the other occassion, it was the bride clinging to her father crying as they danced to Luther Van dross "dance with my father" track. Before you could say jack what his face, thirty plus turned on the water works, this time I used style to move to corner to take my shots.
I know it's probably unprofessional to be crying like that but mehn I could not help it, there is something about weddings in the first place added to it lovely moments like the ones I witnessed, infact....
So anyhow if you are getting married or preparing to get married give me a shout, don't worry I will not come and cry you a river, I have a new strategy to add dark glasses to my photography outfit so you are safe. More than that there is juicy discount to good to resist for my blog family and readers, so give me a shout.
If you have not already done so join my fan page and do invite your friends to join as well, hopefully I will be adding gallery links of some of the events covered soon, so watch out.
In the meantime here is a taster.
Till later, it still moi, thiry plus saying