Hello my peeps,
Tis the season to be jolly fa lalalala lala lala
Christ the reason for the season fa lalalala lala lala
What would it be like if there was no Christmas, no time cooped up spent with family,
No excuse for extra jollofing
No opportunity to celebrate the birth of Christ
No unexpected gift coming through the post
No greeting card from the friend you forgot you had
No chance to visit the grotto and see baba kereesi
Nothing to look forward to at the end of the year.
I am glad because of Christmas but more so because of Christ, thank you Jesus
And just in case you are reading and really have nothing to look forward to this Christmas, I pray that the spirit of giving associated with this season will locate you and surprise you in an usual way, Amen
It's been a wee while I have come by here, what can I say there has not been much really to come and write about or do you really want to here all the boring details of my ups and down with photography, more of the up sha. Or how I have been contemplating making a change yet being mindful of timing.
But this evening provided a good opportunity for update!
I was lying down in my bed jejely wearing three jumpers and coughing like our old panel van after an unfortunate visit to a dubious mechanic. At the same time working on some layout while some Nolly wood movie was making noise in the background . Suddenly suddenly I heard this noise by my bedside window and was wondering who had the effontery to be making so much noise in my neigbhourhood whether jolly or not. The jolly noise got louder and louder that I had to get off the bed and investigate.
Right outside my window I saw the most cheering view any kid would love to see, father Christmas on his sleigh live and direct, oh what a jolly site. Not only that he had his elves with him going to different doors not with gifts but with buckets to collect donation.
Tafa o, even credit crunch has affected Father Christmas unlimited?!
Anyway it did not deter this ogbongecious 3o+ woman o, I shrieked like a 5 year old and waived frantically at father Christmas while shouting at the elf and father Christmas to wait for me.
I dashed downstairs and opened the door only to be told by the elf that father Christmas had gone but I could still catch him. I grabbed two left foot slippers and started running down the street shouting "wait for me!", "Father Christmas wait for me!".
I eventually caught up with him and got some shots no time to adjust settings on camera I just snapped away. I even got on the sleigh and got a shot with him but there is no way I am putting that pix up here. I looked like a run over Michelin babe with hairstyle of Ursula the witch.
So if you saw a crazy looking heavily padded dressed woman running down the street chasing a sleigh, that was thirty plus :).
I bet by now some folks might be thinking I have ako iba (cerebral malaria) with associated hallucinations, well pictures don't lie.
From my window - magical eh?!
Chasing Santa
With his elves
Okay I really don't know what came over me and why acted in such manner unbecoming of a thirty something year old woman, after all I was not deprived of visits to the grotto as a child. Maybe it was the fact that he was right outside my window on a sleigh and it kind of looked magical or maybe I was touch basing with my inner child, I don't know and I really don't care. All I know is it was a thrill and I totally enjoyed the few minutes of "misbehavior"
Till later have a joyful Christmas